Dear Clients,

Pranams and Greetings to you!

International Women’s Day (IWD) originally called as International working Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th every year since 1914 all over the World! The focus of the celebration ranges from General celebration of Respect, Appreciation and Love towards Women to a Celebration of Women’s Economic, Political and Social Achievements! It also gives an opportunity to women to voice their Grievences through various Forums and Media!

In our Country especially in Hindu Culture, Women have been given a Special Status & Recognition always! We even call our Country as Mother India & not Father India! Likewise our language is called as Mother Tongue & all Rivers are given only Feminine name. Mother is given top most position in the order of reverence like Maatha, Pitha, Guru, Deivam! We do have lot of separate Temples for Goddesses and in all Temples we have separate Sannidhies for them. It is well known to everyone, that Lord Shiva is called as Ardhanarishvarar with 50% share in his body to his wife Parvathi! We don’t celebrate Men’s day separately as men is also given birth only by a Women and the word Women carries the word Men also!

In Brahminicial culture wife is called as Dharma Paththini or Grahalakshmi and all the Religious Rites carry full sanctity & purpose only when done along with wife and it is said “Illal Illa Illam Pazh”, Still in the society at large Women have been oppressed by Male domination for various centuries restricting the role of Women to Kitchen & Child-bearing only. It was only “Puratchi Kavignar Bharathi” who gave a clarion call for Women’s upliftment as “Maathar Thammai Izhivu Seyyum Madamaiyai Koluthuvom”. He was dreaming of “Pudhumai Pen” with all-round progress of Women in equal footing with Men in all fields of Life including Education, Job, Career, Leadership etc. It is nice to see Bharathi’s Dreams have become a reality to a reasonable extent ! We are really proud that Women have displayed their potentials in various walks of life proving to the world they are second to none!

God has created Men & Women separately, but provided the same extent of intelligence and Mental power. Of course, there are bound to be some differences, in physical structure and parts of body obviously for reproduction purpose! But there is no question of disparity between the Male and Female. Unfortunately still in some parts of the Country especially rural areas Girl children are treated differently and considered as unwelcome liability. I wish and hope improvement in awareness takes place in such cases also! There was a time when girl children were aborted just like that and we are finding the impact now as Girls are less in number compared to Boys resulting in mismatch and causing great anxiety and frustration to the Grooms in finding suitable Brides! Whatever we do against the nature we have to pay the Penalty one day or other, whether it is closure of water path and lakes or murder of female fetus.

It is a fact that, the women of Today undergo lot of stress to unimaginable extent in managing both household affairs and career as well! Career is no doubt important to bring out one’s potential and enhance the financial position. But at the same time too much of focus on career at the cost of Domestic responsibility and health is bound to lead to lot of problems!

Similarly education and career leading to self-dependence is most welcome but it must go along with preservation of Basic Values of Humbleness and respect for others! Women always have a crucial role to play in preserving our cultural Heritage including Brahminical Values! I recall the sayings from Thirukkural

“Tharkathu Tharkondar Peni Thagaisandra Sorkathu Sorvilal Pen!”

Meaning an Ideal women must safeguard herself, Serve her Husband, Keep control over her Tongue and be active and smart always! The role played by women in Managing the Household and Shaping the children is really marvelous and in fact they never have any retirement from the portfolio!

On this Happy occasion, let us salute the Women including our Mothers for all the Tremendous achievements and sacrifices they have made, with patience and perseverance whether in managing the family or in contributing to society! Let us also give the Women all possible support and confidence in performing their roles more effectively, easily and happily!

Needless to say men too have Equal responsibilities if not more! On this Memorable and wonderful day, I extend my Hearty Greetings and Salute the women hood and wish them all Every Good Luck!

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