Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s Birthday (23-11-2022)
Dear Clients,
As all of you may be aware Bhagwan Sri Baba’s Birthday falls on November 23rd which is always worth remembering & celebrating as well.
On this Happy Occasion we extend our sincere prayers to Bhagwan to bless all our clients with successful wedded life and fulfill their dreams & aspirations at the earliest.
Our Organisation was started 32 years back only with the Blessings of Baba and we always cherish & follow His Golden sayings of “Love All, Serve All! Help Ever, Hurt Never”, as our Motto!
I have experienced His Blessings in the rapid growth of our Organisation and also while facing various challenges in my personal life as well! When He was physically present, many of His devotees while registering in person used to tell me that they are registering as per the direction given by Bhagwan Baba Himself! With all humbleness I feel very much delighted over it even now! Though not physically present, He is always residing in the Hearts of Millions of Devotees in India & Abroad as well. His Free Service Mission to Education & Medical Care is extremely exemplary reflecting His love for humanity. No doubt He is an Avatar & Embodiment of Love! I salute all his Devotees & Sevadals who are involved in selfless service in one way or other for upliftment of our Society! On this glorious day it is worthwhile to go through the Birthday Messages given by Swami Himself.
Om Sri Sai Ram!
With Kind Regards & Best Wishes,
98403 30531
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