Founder’s Rebirth (Punarjanma)
(Sharing of Experience)
Health is Wealth!

Dear Clients,

I am happy to inform you that I have survived a major setback and escaped miraculously after undergoing a crucial operation at Apollo Hospital, by the Grace of God. Sharing my Experience for the benefit of one and all. Now I am feeling better & progressing.

Case in Brief :

Health is wealth is always a Golden saying ! In spite of our precautions, we do face some illness or other especially as we progress in the journey of life For Instance in my case I underwent a bypass surgery 12 years back at MMM Hospital for 5 blocks which became a great turning point. Now for the past 3 years or so developed aversion for food & nausea & was managing mainly with liquid foods. The intake was becoming poorer day by day. I also started feeling severe pain in the hip, legs & back. I was constantly consulting leading doctors at SIMS and Apollo besides going for Ayurveda & Physiotherapy. In spite of taking various medicines there was no improvement. I had a stone in Gall bladder, but doctors told we need not bother unless it gives botheration.

During the month of May the situation got worsened and the pain started spreading to front side also I could neither stand nor walk or lie down without pain. As the situation became serious, I got admitted in Apollo Hospital on May 15th as emergency patient. After due examination, Doctors found that my gall bladder was fully damaged and was in bursting stage. To ensure against further complications and for saving my life they rushed with the operation taking some risk. Fortunately the operation was done successfully bringing me lot of relief from the body pain and also intake. Gall Bladder removal has become somewhat common now, but in my case it became a little more serious. In short I escaped my life very narrowly, thanks to timely admission in a well reputed Hospital like Apollo.

The Treatment at Apollo was very nice in all aspects. The individual room was spacious and comfortable. The nursing staff and more so the helpers did their job very well. Supply of medicines were taken due care by them without any botheration to us.

Food was also good. I could see hundreds & hundreds of people visiting the Hospital almost throughout the day and that too mostly from other states. It is a different world altogether to watch the scenario. The hospital being the foremost top one. is a pride for not only Chennai but for the Nation as a whole. “ Cheers to the Founders & Staff ”.

To meet such challenges in health we need two things mainly. Sufficient finance (Insurance coverage) and also people to help. For me I was fortunate to have my daughter and son with me. Otherwise we must look for alternatives.

I still wonder as to how the Doctors failed to identify the gall bladder culprit earlier. Sometimes it so happens, if our destiny is like that. Anyhow all is well that ends well! God has blessed me with further lease of life probably to serve the society much more and still better.

I do carry a sense of satisfaction in being instrumental for more than 1 lakh marriages over the past 35 years. Now my journey towards excellence with our Team of staff will reach further heights with more dedication. I seek your continued Blessings, Good wishes and Support always! Sairam!

With Kind Regards & Best Wishes,

98403 30531

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