Happy Tamil New Year – Sobakiruthu, Greetings (14/4/2023) !

Dear Clients,

Pranams & Greetings to you.

At the outset, We extend our warm wishes to you for a Happy, Prosperous and Wonderful Tamil New Year. May this New Year prove to be a lucky one for all of you in every way!

Think of Tamil New Year, Think of New Panchangam !

  • A Panchangam is a Hindu Astrological Calendar which follows Indian Cosmology and presents Astronomical Data in a Tabulated Form.
  • Panchangam consists of Pancha Angam (Five Limbs) namely Thithi (Lunar Phase), Vara (Week Days), Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana (Half space of Thithi)

These Five elements enable us to know the Good and Bad Times for each day for performing various important Auspicious Tasks.

  • The Hindu Panchanga system follows a 60 year cycle commencing from Prabhava & ending with Akshaya and repeats after every 60 years. The 60 years are divided into 3 groups of 20 each. The first 20 belongs to Brahma, Second 20 to Vishnu and the last 20 for Lord Shiva.

  • Unlike other Religion, each year carries a Unique Name with special significance only in our Hindu culture! Vara consists of 7 days from Sunday. Thithi is the distance between Moon and Sun. It is classified as Valarpirai Thithi and Theipirai Thithi. Amavasya Thithi falls on Synchronisation of Sun and Moon. There are 15 Thithies from Prathamai. Stars are 27 in numbers from Aswini onwards. Stars are Grahas circling around Sun. Each Star is divided into 4 Pathams. Rasies are 12 from Mesham and is decided based on Star and Paatham. Yogam also is 27 from Viswakumbam. (We are familiar with Siddha Yogam, Amirtha Yogam & Marana Yogam). Karanam consists of 11 numbers from Palam. Panchangam gives us details of the duration for each item everyday in Terms of Nazhigai. Each Nazhigai consists of 24 Minutes. At times, we get 2 Amavasai & 2 Pournami also in a Month ! Gothram, Rasi, Star & Name form the basis for any Sankalpam!

  • Every Hindu year is divided into 12 months commencing from Chithirai. Further every year is divided into 2 Ayanas of 6 Months each called Utharayana and Dakshanayana. Utharayana is the Northern Journey of the Sun’s course from Zodiac sign Makara (Capricorn) starting from Makara Sankranthi Day (Pongal) and is considered to be very auspicious than Dakshanayana.

  • As all of us are aware, Bheeshmacharya, was deferring his departure from the world waiting for the commencement of Utharayana. Meanwhile he was sharing his invaluable wisdom to Pandavas by lying down in the Bed of Arrows ! What a Great soul !

  • There are various types of Panchangams such as Vakyam, Thirukanitham, Pambu, Madathu Panchangam etc. which people follow according to their family practice and Tradition. There are bound to be some Minor differences between them. At times, even Birth stars do change while casting !

  • Very often people get confused as to which Panchangam to be followed. Astrologers also differ from one another in their views! As I understand, Paramacharya advocated following Thirukkanitham for the sake of uniformity and to avoid unwanted confusions.

  • The actual casting of Panchangam involves elaborate mathematical work with high level of spherical geometry. It is really a great wonder as to how our Ancestors were able to create such a valuable Treasure house of Wisdom for posterity without the help of any computer or Modern Technology. Salute to their Divine Power leading to such Expertise & Vision !

  • Panchanga Padanam explaining the yearly predictions by renowned Pandits has been a unique event on the day for years & years!

  • Panchangams are published by Different Authors and Organisations giving valuable guidance in a simple manner for ready reference. But of late I find there are mushroom growth in the line, probably for the sake of publicity, prestige or earning which can be minimized!

  • After all, we need only one Panchangam mainly for preserving in the Pooja Room as most of us may not be knowing on how to use it. In any case basic details appear in the Daily calendars and we invariably consult Sastrigal also !

  • The main objective of Panchangam is to give clues on good and bad time for each day. It is always better to get the guidance of Astrologers or Sastrigal for fixing up date & Time for important events such as Kalyanam, Upanayanam, Grahapravesam, Seemantham etc. besides performing srardhams.

  • But in many cases I regret to find, people are getting addicted to seeing Ragukalam & Yamakandam etc. even for doing normal routine things!

  • For instance, coming to Marriage Alliance, apart from choosing auspicious Date & Time for Registration, people continue to adhere to good time for all stages, including projection of data in website, Exchange of Details, visiting other parties, consulting Astrologer, printing of invitation, payment of advance, purchase of items in shop, inviting people in person and so on leading to waste of time, which is highly precious !

To conclude let us carry always due respect for Panchangam & Astrology and our Ancestors as well !

Let us also know its significance! At the same time let us restrict its use only for very important events instead of normal, routine activities of less significance!

In this connection I also recall Bhagvan Sai Baba saying (Volume -2 Pg) Taking care of Pancha Angam(Five Senses) and keeping them under control through Mind and Intellect is more important than following the predictions and timings of Panchangam !

I also further recall the good old song, Naal yen Seyum, Vinaidan Yen Seyum ….

Let us march ahead with optimism and hope, having full faith on ourselves and the Almighty!

Every Day is a Good Day! Every Minute is Precious!

Ondre Seivom ! Nandre Seivom ! Indre Seivom !

With Kind Regards & Best Wishes,

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